
2 c. scalded milk
½ c. butter
½ c. sugar
¾ T. salt
1 pkg. yeast
1 egg, beaten
1 pkg. yeast
6 – 6 ½ c. flour
2 T. melted butter
brown sugar
1 c. powdered sugar
2 t. milk
1 t. melted butter
Put butter in milk while bringing it to a simmer. Take off the heat and allow the butter to melt. In a large bowl, add milk, butter, sugar, salt, and allow mixture to cool down, to slightly warmer than room temperature. Add yeast and egg and beat until well mixed.
Add the first 2 cups of the flour and beat until smooth. Add another 2 cups and beat again. Now add about ½ cup at a time until the dough is a little sticky to handle. Don’t add too much flour.
Allow dough to rise in a warm place, uncovered, until doubled. Punch down. Cover and refrigerate for several hours, or overnight. This will make the dough easy to handle.
Divide the dough in half. Roll it out with as little flour as possible. It should be pizza size.
Spoon about a teaspoon of melted butter on dough and spread it around the dough. Sprinkle a thin layer of brown sugar and cinnamon on the dough. Roll up, starting at one edge and roll to the other side, jelly roll style. Take the 2 ends and over-lap them making a circle. Try to keep the thickness about the same.
Place on a greased cookie sheet. Cut into the circle about every inch of the outer circle. Take each portion and lay flat so the spiral of cinnamon and sugar shows. Cover lightly and place in a warm area. Allow it to double in size.
Preheat oven to 375-degrees and place on middle rack. Bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and turn onto a plate and then onto another plate so it is right side up. Brush with melted butter.
Combine the glaze ingredients and mix well. Add either milk or powdered sugar to get the right consistency. Pour over tea ring, add chopped pecans if desired.
This recipe makes 2 tea-rings.