Smoked Sausage Kabobs


Smoked Sausage Kabobs

  • Author: Bonnie Siesennop



1/3 c. honey

¼ c brown mustard

2 T. oil

1 T. soy sauce

1 t. minced garlic

½ t. ginger



1# Kielbasa sausage, cut into 1 ½ inch pieces

cherry tomatoes

whole mushrooms

peppers cut into large pieces

purple onions, cut into wedges



     Mix marinade ingredients, add sausage and vegetables.  Marinate for 2 hours.  Place on skewers, place on broiler pan and broil 3-4 minutes each side. Can also be grilled.

     Feeling lazy, don’t use skewers, place all the ingredients on the broiler pan.  Stir halfway through cooking time.


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