Pin roll Cookies

Mom with her parents 1928-1929


Pin roll Cookies

 Both my mother and grandmother made this cookie.

  • Author: Bonnie Siesennop




2 ½ c. chopped dates

1 c. sugar

1 c. water

1 c. chopped nuts


1 c. shortening    

2 c. brown sugar     

3 eggs                   

1 c. sugar

½ t. salt

3 ½ c. flour    

½ t. baking soda


Filling: Combine dates, sugar and water and cook until it is thick; add nuts.


Dough: Mix dough ingredients together.  Roll out the dough.  

Spread the date mixture on top of the dough and roll the dough the long way. 

Freeze for 1 hour then slice into cookies and bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.


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