Aebleskiver Pancake Balls

Aebleskiver Pancake Balls
*Danish pancake balls
4 egg yolks
½ c. sugar
1 t. salt
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
2 c. buttermilk
2 c. flour
1 t. baking powder
¼ c. oil
Separate egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until they reach the stiff peak stage.
Stir the egg yolks with the sugar; add rest of ingredients, folding the beaten egg whites in last.
Bake in greased aebleskiver pan. Turn with a knitting needle or a fork. Serve with Raspberry Butter.
Raspberry Butter
½ c. butter, room temp.
½ c. raspberry jam
2 T. powdered sugar
1 t. vanilla
In Small bowl beat butter at medium speed until fluffy. Fold in remaining ingredients until blended. Serve with Aebleskiver Pancakes.